Our Services

Mums and Bubs Classes

Mums and Bubs Classes are now available.

Mums and Bubs is now available for post-natal exercise! We are delighted to announce that we will be offering a Mums and Bubs Class on a Monday at 1.00pm. This class is suited to New Mums for them to bring their bubs into the class and do some exercise to help them recover from birth.

These exercises will be Pilates based exercises to help build strength in your low back, upper back, abdominal area and pelvic floor. Many new mums find that these are areas of concern for them and we want to help them feel more comfortable, strong and painfree during their transition into motherhood.

How to transition into our classes:

We take a structured approach designed especially for your medical profile. Here is how the process works:


    At this stage, our focus is to understand the fitness levels you already possess. We also carefully analyse your Neural Drive and Directional Preferences. These help us establish the baseline communication efficacy between your brain and muscles that aid effective movement. From here, we can focus on goals ranging from improved coordination & balance to better motor controls and incremental core strength.


    As soon as we have the comprehensive results of your initial assessment, we dedicate a session to help you work through the entire set of results. Here, we will establish key goals and benchmarks, while keeping in mind your condition and lifestyle.


    Here we will help you get comfortable with your specifically designed set of exercises. Our in-house expert will help you get an intuitive understanding of the exercise plan and get you familiar the equipment if necessary. Depending on your profile, you might be recommended some exercises to be done at home between sessions.